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Bug Zombie

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Bug Zombie

Сообщение browey » 06 дек 2023, 17:56

The weapon is bugged with the left example and left code, I don't know how to solve it

Код: Выделить всё
// Ham Weapon Deploy Forward
public fw_Item_Deploy_Post(weapon_ent)
    set_task(0.01, "Item_Deploy_Post", weapon_ent + 50000);

public Item_Deploy_Post(weapon_ent)
    weapon_ent -= 50000;
    if (!is_valid_ent(weapon_ent))
// Get weapon's owner
    static owner; owner = fm_cs_get_weapon_ent_owner(weapon_ent)
// Valid owner?
    if (!pev_valid(owner)) return;
// Get weapon's id
    static weaponid; weaponid = cs_get_weapon_id(weapon_ent)
// Store current weapon's id for reference
    g_currentweapon[owner] = weaponid
[owner] = g_categoryice[owner] = g_categoryfire[owner] = g_categorygolden[owner] = g_CategoryPlasmatic[owner] = false;
    new iImpulse 
= pev(weapon_ent, pev_impulse);
    switch (iImpulse)
        case 10000:
            g_categorypro[owner] = true;
        case 11000:
            g_categoryice[owner] = true;
        case 12000:
            g_categoryfire[owner] = true;
        case 13000:
            g_categorygolden[owner] = true;
        case 14000:
            g_CategoryPlasmatic[owner] = true;
// Replace weapon models with custom ones
    replace_weapon_models(owner, weaponid)
// Zombie not holding an allowed weapon for some reason
    if (g_class[owner] >= ZOMBIE && !((1<<weaponid) & ZOMBIE_ALLOWED_WEAPONS_BITSUM))
        // Switch to knife
        g_currentweapon[owner] = CSW_KNIFE
(owner, "weapon_knife")

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Re: Bug Zombie

Сообщение Fedcomp » 10 дек 2023, 12:41

Please add details. What is bugged? what is not working and how should it work? what have you tried?
Не помогаю в ЛС - есть форум.
Плагины тоже не пишу, на форуме достаточно хороших скриптеров.

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Re: Bug Zombie

Сообщение browey » 17 дек 2023, 19:27

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